Nothing is impossible, universe is kind to You
Etymologically, Yoga means “union with the Divine Spirit”. Yoga originated thousands of years ago in ancient India which involves physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines. According to Hindu Mythology, Lord Shiva is the Supreme Lord of Yoga. There is a broad variety of Yoga schools, practices as well as goals. Yoga is recommended for preventing as well as controlling several health issues and can lead to the improvement of some medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, back pain; osteoarthritis, asthma, bronchitis, weight loss and many more. Yoga also promotes relaxations and reduces stress in oneself. With spiritual being, one can get the greatest healing in life.
Yogacharya Pradeep : is one such yoga teacher who is explaining the meaningful exhibition of life to millions through Yoga. He reminds his students to practice spirituality when they lose their way; he illuminates their paths, delight in their evolution and challenges them to grow as a good human being. He shows that a teacher-student relationship is one of the most sacred ties one can have.
Pradeep Yoga Guru has been teaching yoga for years. He holds a degree in Yogacharya, i.e. Masters in Yoga and Internationally certified yoga Teacher. Let us learn a bit more about his life and achievements.
Early life : The place where Yogacharya Pradeep: lived was also full of spirituality. Many saints used to visit there and he started acquiring knowledge and teachings from them. He used to participate in ‘Satsang’ or ‘Spiritual Preaching’ and shared thoughts with each other. Gradually, he started gathering knowledge from everyone around him.
Education : He has been into teaching profession for more then 14 years. He has done Masters in History, Geography, and Political science and in Yogacharya. Many of his students are posted in Government job and serving their motherland . He used to teach Yoga and meditation to his fellow students. Slowly, he started teaching his students more about Yoga and its benefits. After that, he opted for a teacher training course in Yoga. He is also a Reiki healer for last 15 years, Reiki is “a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient’s body by means of touch, in order to activate the natural healing process of the patient’s body and restore their physical and emotional well. He said, “I’ve always been into Yoga, as it has become popular internationally.” He even said Yoga is the powerful science for health, spirituality, mental as well as physical well being, and for realizing the power and oneness of God. He wants to develop his skills in yoga practices and also research more and more about Yoga.
Achievements : He arranges several programs in Yoga like Yoga retreat program, Yoga Teacher Training course (TTC) Meditation, and other depending upon the health and mental condition of the patient. He says, “We arrange programs for fitness, diabetes, blood pressures and many more. Different types of programs are set for various health issues.” His yoga techniques include “pranayama, meditation, asana, and also leading a spiritual life.” There are Yogic Diets for the patients and it is planned according to both their physical and mental issues, which is effective for every the human being. Pradeep Yogi has been in this profession for 10 years, although he has been doing yoga and teaching it to the people around him for a long time. Many of his family members are into Yoga teaching profession these days as well. He has received his certificate in Yogacharya and TTC and is all set to open his own institution as well. He arranges campaigns in schools and colleges in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and many other big cities of India. He also arranges campaigns for corporate sector employees to reduce stress and motivate them in their life for a better lifestyle. His YouTube channel is filled with several motivational speeches and ways for the attainment of spirituality in life.
Changing the life of the people through Yoga : Yogacharya Pradeep has changed the life of many individuals by helping them transform into a better person. It may simply make us feel better in our body at the least. Yoga can change an individual’s life, relationships and outlook. He even said that if we are mindful and deliberate in our yoga practices, then it would automatically lead to a mindful and deliberate life. Most importantly, yoga can make us a happy and free person and also helps us to attain things we thought were never possible. It helps us to gather confidence and act accordingly with a free mind and soul. Yoga asana breaks down all sorts of obstacles that hinder our day to day lifestyle. It can make us free psychologically, emotionally and physically. It kicks us out from our comfort zone and makes us do things we thought we can’t ever do, yoga makes us fearless, confident and helps us fall in love with our own body and feel amazing in our skin. Yoga actually can bring out the best versions of ourselves.
The way towards a healthy and better lifestyle : In order to have a stable and established life, health is a very important factor. By health, we don’t mean only physical wellness; it also includes mental stability and betterment. If we are enthusiastic in life we would automatically have interest in oneself. Yoga cleanses our mind and soul from all sorts of negativity and impurities we come across in our life. Life is not same every time, there are ups and downs in each and every individual’s life. But sometimes we cannot come to terms with this fact and get our self into depression and lose all the hope. Failing and losing hope isn’t the end game; we must try and try until we achieve what we truly deserve. Yoga helps us stand strong and fight against situations that break us down. Yoga helps us to shift from unhealthy patterns we have developed over time and encourages us to get rid of all the negativity in life and bring us out from unusual circumstances.
Yogacharya Pradeep says “a motivational guidance towards life not only helps people who are going through a bad phase; but also flashes out negativity and encourages individuals to have a positive approach for the betterment of life and leading a spiritual and healthy lifestyle.”
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I completed a two week yoga course with Pradeep and it was an incredible experience having him as my yoga teacher.
Shally hall

This yoga teacher training was beyond any expectation I could have, and as you will learn, expectations have no value. It was one of the most challenging and rewarding months of my entire life.
Tyler Watson

I feel more than privileged to have had him as an instructor. He has set the bar incredibly high for my next instructors.
Stacey Rice