Mon - Fri 8.00 - 18.00 Sunday CLOSED
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5 Yoga Poses to Ease Lower Back Pain

5 Yoga Poses to Ease Lower Back Pain

The lower back, or the lumbar region, can be an area that often gets sensitive for most of us at some point in our lives. Whether we have to sit a lot during the day, or whether we move a lot, the lumbar region can get affected. In any case, pain in the lower back can seriously affect your mood and…

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Benefits of Yoga

Benefits of Yoga

The benefits of yoga provide both instant gratification and lasting transformation. In the fitness world, both are extremely important. Too much time with too few results can be incredibly discouraging, and monotonous routines week after week can lead to stagnation. Yoga can change your physical and mental capacity quickly, while preparing the mind and body for long-term health. YOGA IS FOR EVERYONE…

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