200 Hour Yoga TTC


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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, Greater Noida, Mumbai, Dol India Certified by Yoga Alliance USA. Residential 200 Hour Hatha, Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in India?. In the Vedic literature, Rishikesh is often described as Tapobhoomi – the Land of Meditation.

We teach from the very root and develop the inner being in you which has become unconscious in today’s world. Our approach is unique as we apply the ancient yogic traditions to the radically different daily life.Develop a unique art of Teaching along with a comprehensive understanding of Yoga Asana, Pranayama, Shatkarma, Yoga alignment, Yoga philosophy, Human anatomy, Yog Mudras, mantras Chanting and meditation.From the spiritual practices of yoga to breathing techniques .The transformative programs and various types of retreats will provide you with influential and life changing experiences.the family at arogya will always make sure that you feel like home ,while you deepen your practice and expand your awareness.Bring your trueself to us and we would take the responsibility and guide towards your highest potential.

The 28 days 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Program delightfully awaits your participation at the absolutely magnificent city of Rishikesh, India. This Program is designed to walk you through the path of Yoga and is a rewarding way to develop a more polished understanding of Yoga practice. Needless to say, Rishikesh happens to be the fitting place for you begin a journey to your inner self and immerse yourself in the blissful tranquility of the trinity – Mind, Body, and Soul. The Program aims to accompany and support you in your conquest of attaining mastery over Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. The Yoga Teacher Training course Program utilises a carefully curated curriculum to bestow upon you the power of imparting knowledge in others who wish to find peace within – Thus, galvanizing a new Yoga Teacher in you.
The 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training is presented with a progressive approach to yoga and is taught primarily in English, followed by Sanskrit and Hindi languages as well. This Training Program is the perfect platform for you to lay the groundwork to be a motivational Yoga Teacher. The training by itself will build you a solid foundation in Hatha Ashtanga Yoga. The program is taught in a traditional and relaxed environment in which it will encourage, support and guide one to learn more about oneself. Come prepared to push your mental and physical limits to attain your goal of becoming a Yoga Teacher.

Syllabus – 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, Greater Noida, Mumbai, Dol India

Yoga Philosophy

This class will prepare students to read and understand Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Each Friday, students will lead a discussion reflecting on the week’s readings. Before class, students should write down one question on a note-card directly related to the day’s reading and give this to the teacher at the start of class, Yoga and Philosophy go hand in hand, just as the body and the mind do. Philosophy is the staple concept which builds the globally practiced form of well-being, Yoga. Yoga Philosophy classes at Arogya Yoga School engage the participants in furthering their acquaintance with Yoga with thought-provoking discussions about the construct and context of the origin and growth of Yoga. These classes craft the mind of the Yogi to a more augmented perspective on the world and themselves, making them equipped to comprehend the working of the mind, emotions, and the road to fulfillment.

Origin of Yoga
Different Paths of Yoga
Samkhaya Darshan
Vedanta Darshan
Obstacles in Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga (8 Limbs)
• Yama
• Niyama
• Asana
• Pranayama
• Pratyahara
• Dharana
• Dhyana
• Samadhi

Hatha Yoga
Panch Kosha
• Annamaya Kosha
• Pranamaya Kosha
• Manomaya Kosha
• Jnanamaya Kosha
• Anandamaya Kosha


The Human Body is truly astounding and sometimes overwhelming. The external structure houses an immense network of internal organs which constitute what makes us, us. The Human Anatomy classes in the 200 Hour Teacher Training course encapsulates the rudimentary, yet undeniably necessary knowledge of the mechanisms of our body. The outcome of learning this subject is that the Yogi can discern the various nuances of the human body in a more enriched fashion.

Skeletal System
Joints and Range of Motion
Muscular System
Postural imbalances

Physiology of Asana
• Standing
• Back Bend
• Forward Bend
• Twist
• Inversion

Digestive System
Respiratory System
Circulatory System
Physiology of Pranayama
Nervous System

Endocrine System
Stress and Homeostasis
Physiology of Meditation
Lesson Planning, Practical and Written Assessment


Mantra is a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation. The reverberating sound harmonious the body and mind. Mantras are repetitive hymns that benefit Yoga Practice and assist the Yogi to awaken the Self and extend the meditative and practical aspects of Yoga. 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course at Yoga School includes Mantra lessons to facilitate peaceful vibrations for the practitioners and creates an atmosphere of serenity

Ganesha Mantra
Guru Mantra

Shakti Mantra
Gayatri Mantra

Mangalacharan Mantra
Shanti Mantra

Teaching Methodology, Yoga Alignment

You cannot claim to be a Yoga Teacher unless you familiarise yourself with the necessary techniques of teaching an Asana session. You cannot effectively teach an Asana session unless you know how to devise modifications for the students who cannot perform the final postures with ease. This class focuses on creating a syllabus that encapsulates important Asanas and the ideal methods to teach them. Additionally, you will learn how to optimise and adjust the poses, as well as some variations for the difficult poses by the use of props, micro-bends, and other easier approaches.


The practice of Aasanas and pranayama is imperative for a Yogi to fortify the mind, body, and soul. The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course at Yoga School consists of a carefully curated curriculum that entails rehearsal of numerous Yogaasanas and techniques of Praanaayaama to hone the Yogi’s physical posture and enable the conscious and deliberate control of one’s breath. A specific set of Aasanas belonging to the Hatha Yoga and Ashtaanga Yoga styles are incorporated into the curriculum, thus empowering the Yogi to master these techniques and reap full benefits of the same.

Dynamic Postures
Pawanmuktasana series
Marjala asana
Surya namaskar
Standing Postures
Parivrtta Trikonasana
Parivrtta parshwakonasana
Veerbhadrasana I
Veerbhadrasana II
Veerbhadrasana III
Ardh chandrasana
Prasarita padottanasana
Inverted Postures
Pincha mayurasana
Adho mukha vrkshasana

Twisting Postures
Ardh matsyendra asana
Parivritti janu sirshasana
Kati Chakrasana

Back Bend Postures
Setu Asana
Forward Bend Postures
Ardh padam Paschimotanasana
Padprasar Paschimotanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Balancing Postures
Bak Dhayan Asana
Natraj Asana
Relaxation Postures

Pranayama Practices
Yogic Breathing
Nadi Shodhan
Dhyana Practices
Breath Awareness
Pranava Dhyana
Yog Nidra Practices
Breathing Meditation
Chakra Meditation
Anjali Mudra
Chin Mudra
Jnana Mudra
Poorna Mudra
Uddiyana Bandha
Jalandhara Bandha
Moola Bandha
Jala Neti

Daily Schedule – 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, Greater Noida, Mumbai, Dol India

Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh program’s schedule is designed in very balanced way that it keeps the student in contemplation of the subject throughout the day and also allows them to have the personal time. The schedule is the best integration of theory and practice of yoga. It also allows the student to stay energetic for all the classes. The daily schedule of the course as follows:

Schedule 5:30 AM To 10:30 AM

05:30 am – Wake Up


06:00 am – Herbal Tea




06:30 am – chanting and pranayama


07:30 – 9am – Yoga Asana


09:00 am – Breakfast


10:00 am – Yoga Anatomy


Schedule 11:30 AM To 10:00 PM

11:30 am – Yoga Philosophy


1:00 pm – Lunch, Rest/self-study


3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Teaching Methodology, Yoga Alignment


04:30 pm – 06:30 – A Traditional Sequence


07:00 pm – Dinner


08:30 pm – Self Study


10:00 pm – Lights Out


Note: – In the process of evaluation and certification, discipline is a key factor. Attending all classes is mandatory. If a leave is required in case of emergency, consult the respective faculty prior to the class. Absence without leave shall be considered as an act of indiscipline, which may affect the practitioner’s studentship and certification. Any changes in the schedule shall be intimated in advance. The schedule timings keeps on changing according to the seasons .

What does The course fees include

  • 27 Nights Accommodation
  • Daily Nutritious vegetarian meals and herbal tea
  • Weekend excursions
  • Single Accommodation- 200 USD Extra
  • Air-conditioner – Extra Charges
  • Course materials will be provided (Note Book, Yoga Mat, Cleansing kit)

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh – Principles and Guideline:

  • Teaching starts from early in the morning.
  • Respectful behavior is mandatory at all times on and off the premises.
  • Respect the rules and regulations Arogya Yoga School.
  • Course fees are non-refundable.
  • Before departure from Arogya Yoga School, students must return all books from the library.
  • Non veg. food, smoking and drinking alcohol are not allowed on the Arogya Yoga School premises.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training – General Rules

  • Silence should be maintained between 10 PM until the morning.
  • Regular home work should be completed.
  • All classes are mandatory to attend unless you are ill.
  • As a part of the evaluation procedure there will be an assessment for certification.
  • Arogya Yoga School reserves the right to disqualify any students at anytime during the course for misconduct.
  • Eating and drinking (anything other than water) is NOT ALLOWED in the yoga halls.
  • Use of electronic gadgets (i.e., mobile phones, laptops, tablets) during lectures is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
  • During asana practice leave all jewelry, books, extra clothing, book bags and purses in your room. Only yoga mat and water bottles permitted in yoga hall.
  • Management expects all students to clear your practice space immediately following your practices.


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