“A rudraksha is the seed of the Eliocarpus ganltrus tree and plays an important role in a spiritual seeker’s life. Asian Yogis and Monks found that merely wearing the Rl.ldraksha beads gave them aston ishingly tremendous amount of tranquility, concentration that” helped them meditate for a long period of time with spectacular
control over their mind. “There are clefts c.alled Mukhi on the surface of the Rudraksha beads. The number of Mukhi on the surface of a Rudraksha beads helps in detennining its quality. According to the number of Mukhi the Rudraksha bead ranges from single face to a several faced bead, and fNef””I bead have a distinctive properties&. benefits. It is historically proven that successful people held Rudraksha beads in high esteem. Those who sought power, health, wealth, protection and self-empowerment always wore Rudraksha beads.”
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